These video clips were made taking the same approach as I do with my photography, through experimentation and avoiding editing as much as possible, since I find it to be a fun challenge to show something as similar as possible to real life.

Distant Observer

Distance makes us more observant. A trip could change the way we see things forever. In this first experimental short film, Nico Cuneo and Ramiro Cairo create a journey within a journey and invite us to explore it with them.

Directed and Produced by Nico Cuneo and Ramiro Cairo. Music Composed and Performed by Nico Cuneo and Ramiro Cairo.

The Balloon and the Wind

This video was recorded in Dublin while I was walking alone around the city for the first time in my life. I was taking pictures when suddenly I saw a Yellow Balloon lost in those grey streets, and I decided to start to make a movie following its random journey. All the things you see in this video are absolutely real, without edits. When I wanted to add music and find the right song, I remembered a friend's song that incredibly lasted exactly as long as the video and besides seemed to have been written especially for it.

Music: Dario Calequi Song: Hojas Muertas


This video was made especially for this song. Again, no edits were made. The song lyric talks about the fear of "flying" and I wanted to show how sometimes there's no choice, you have to learn to fly.

Music: Dario Calequi
Song: Volar

El Mundo

Mirrors are magical for me and provide a different dimension of reality. When I visited New York for the first time I was amazed by the size of the crowds in Manhattan. When I reached the corner with a mirrored wall, I saw a "dance" by temporary reflections of people mingled with people in the flesh.

Music: Dario Calequi
Song: El Mundo